Rail Baltica Global Forum 2019

During Rail Baltica Global Forum 2019, Swerig’s board member Mats Boman participates at a panel discussion on ”Developing Business Partnerships with the Railway Industry in Europe – Rail Baltica experience, lessons learnt and next steps”. The panel discussion will take place on April 4th, 14:00-15:30.

The Rail Baltica Global Forum takes place in will take place in Vilnius (Lithuania) at  3-4 April 2019. The Forum brings together executives and decision makers with rail, logistics and economics experts as well as potential suppliers from across Europe in a two-day event. With nearly a thousand anticipated participants, the Global Forum is the place to be for those who are instrumental in building faster, safer and greener European transport network.

The panel’s goal is:

  • to reflect on the pan-European nature of the project and motivation of European companies to participate in the project.
  • to discuss the role of supplier partnerships (international and national) in ensuring efficient project delivery and long-term know-how development.
  • to provide recommendations on further streamlining of the procurement practices and international supplier relations in the Rail Baltica project.


Mr. Neil Walker, Exports Director, UK Railway Industry Association (RIA)
Dr. Ben Möbius, Managing Director, German Railway Industry Association (VDB)
Mr. Pedro Fortea, Director General, Spanish Railway Association (MAFEX)
Mr. Luc Aliadière, Counsellor for European Affairs, The French Railway Industries Association (FIF)
Mr. Mats Boman, Member of the Board, Swedish Rail Industry Group (Swerig)
Mr. Phillipe Citroën, Director General, Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE)
Mr. Carlo Borghini, Executive Director, Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking

About Rail Baltica:

Rail Baltica is a main European infrastructure project with the goal of integrating the Baltic States into the European rail network. The project is providing a platform for a true European collaboration, bringing together the best expertise and experience from established international and fast-learning local companies. More than 10 European countries are already directly involved in the project, reflecting the need to effectively manage complexity and promote international synergies to succeed in delivering a world-class infrastructure and economic corridor. www.railbaltica.org



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