Meet Dellner

Dellner, a renowned Swedish company with a global presence in the rail industry, employs over 1000 people across 21 subsidiaries. Known for its extensive product range including couplers and dampers, Dellner, established in 1941, is now focusing on digitalization and sustainability in rail and other industries. We talked to Peter Söderlund, Key Account Manager at Dellner.

Tell us about Dellner!

–  Dellner is one of the world’s leading suppliers of Train Connection Systems. Headquartered in Falun, Sweden, the company has 21 subsidiaries around the world and employs more than 1000 people. Dellner’s product portfolio provides customers in the rail industry with couplers, gangways, adapters and Crash Energy Management, as well as a wide range of services related to Train Connection Systems. Dellner also includes Dellner Dampers which develops and produces dampers and buffers for railway industry and other fields of application such as bridges, spreaders, ship to shore cranes, windmills and more.

– Founded in 1941, Dellner has years of proven experience in manufacturing and maintaining safe and reliable train connections. As a growing company, it is open to new ideas and innovations. Its major challenges for the future include the digitalization of Train Connection Systems and the transformation into a sustainable company.

What challenges do your products solve for the customer?

– Dellner Train Connection Systems help to ensure safe and reliable coupling between train cars. Through our Crash Energy Management system, we offer our customers the most effective solution for energy absorption which applies to both safety and the associated costs. The modular concept of Dellner’s couplers offers additional flexibility and functionality to railway companies. Operators benefit from this concept through better spare parts availability and lower maintenance costs. This approach is also important for train builders as we can offer shorter lead times by arranging delivery as soon as the order is placed and speeding up their production. Moreover, as an Original Equipment Manufacturer we provide service for Dellner’s own Train Connection Systems (OEM) as well as for third-party products of any other brands (Non-OEM), covering overhaul, repair, maintenance, and modernization and spare parts.

What important trends do you see in the development of the railway industry?

– Sustainability is one of the critical aspects of modern transport. Countries have plans to shift from fossil fuel to electricity in transportation, and to reduce the energy consumption per passenger km. Rail is an important part of this change as it meets both these targets. Dellner develops and produces Train Connection Systems which are important part of the train components increasing efficiency and safety of passengers and wagons. We are proud that we take part in making rail, the most environmentally friendly way of travelling and transporting goods, an even more attractive option. One of the latest propositions to increase the efficiency of train operations is the Internet of Things (IoT). Dellner develops Dellner ConneXion and Monitoring service that uses sensors and a communication box to measure key parameters in our couplers. This remote diagnostic by managing coupler and vehicle data helps to increase safety and quality, minimize delays due to failed couplings and reduce maintenance efforts.

– Moreover, Dellner is one of the consortium members of the TRANS4M-R EU-program developing Digital Automatic Couplers (DAC) for further integration into the rail freight industry. The DAC couplers will enable the rail freight industry to become more competitive by shortening turnaround times, improving the train’s total carrying capacity, and increasing train reliability. The DAC will enable the implementation of train integrity systems and better breaking capacity, which will enhance traffic planning and rail accessibility.

– As the leading supplier of Train Connection Systems in the most important industry for sustainable traffic and transport, we see ourselves in a good position to make a meaningful contribution to protecting our environment. At Dellner the sustainability is considered as a holistic task that covers the entire company and its actions. Our progress in this area is measured by EcoVadis – the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. Moreover, we have undertaken actions to reduce Greenhouse gas emission as we have committed to Science Based Targets Initiative.

Why is it an advantage to work with companies from Sweden in a global market?

– Sweden has a strong innovation culture which helps us to stay ahead of the curve and develop solutions that are not yet available in the global market. Swedish producers are known for their high-quality products and services. This reputation for quality can be a significant advantage when competing on a global market. Moreover, sustainability is a top priority for many Swedish companies, and they are at the forefront of developing eco-friendly solutions. Finally, Sweden has a supportive business environment with a well-educated workforce, strong infrastructure, and a stable political climate.

Why are you member’s of Swerig?

– Swerig facilitates networking and business development opportunities. We benefit strongly from connecting with diverse companies from the railway industry which provides us valuable insight, knowledge and expertise.

Learn more about Dellner on their website!

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